What's New in CPIde

Component Pascal Development System for Windows
Version 8.1 Copyright © 2006-2021 CFB Software
Email: support@astrobe.com
Website: www.astrobe.com/CPIde

Last Updated 6 Dec 2021
This version of CPIde is supported on Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11 with the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.x.  There is no longer any need to have older versions of the .NET Framework installed. The Installation and Uninstall executables are digitally signed to validate authenticity and integrity.

This is a summary of the new features and changes introduced in CPIde since version 3.4.



User-customisable Tools Menu

You can now add up to ten new menu commands of your own choice to the CPIde Tools Menu. These can be used to launch a Windows application, a command-line console application or a DOS command.

You can include the following context-sensitive parameters in the commands:


They are substituted with values corresponding to the file currently showing in the editor.

You can also use the parameter


as the working folder or parameter for the command. The name of the folder where the CPIde examples are located is substituted when the command is executed. This is the folder which you specified when you installed CPIde e.g.


You can create new menu items by editing a Tools.ini text file which is located in this CPIde folder. The ini file supplied with CPIde includes two commands:

Open Containing Folder ...
Open Examples Folder ...

These commands perform the following functions:


Tools > Preferences


The Trim whitespace checkbox controls whether or not trailing tab and space characters are deleted from each line of a file when it is saved.

Syntax Colour Configuration

The syntax colouring configuration scheme is stored in the file Oberon.xml. When Astrobe is started it looks for this file in the Astrobe Folder e.g.


If it does not exist there it looks for it in the CPide Program Folder e.g.

C:\Program Files\CPIde Professional Edition

If syntax colours are changed, the changes are stored in the Oberon.xml file in the CPIde folder. The Syntax colouring configuration details are no longer stored in the Windows registry.