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Colour Graphics on a 1.8" TFT Display

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:23 am
by cfbsoftware
I have now ported our AutoCAD slide viewer from ARM Oberon to RISC5 Oberon running on the Digilent Arty board with an AdaFruit 1.8" 128x160 TFT display connected via SPI1 to one of Arty's PCOM sockets:
slide.jpg (112.47 KiB) Viewed 20806 times
The file sizes of each of the compiled modules (in bytes!) that form part of the application are:

Code: Select all

Graph.rsc             24.12.15 23:26:44     431
Graphics.rsc          24.12.15 23:26:44    2181
IO.rsc                28.12.15 10:56:14    1043
ST7735.rsc            27.12.15 23:27:19    1162
Slide.rsc             28.12.15 13:48:43    1167
SlideDemo.rsc         28.12.15 14:08:34     571
Timer.rsc             26.12.15 22:22:39     167