Updated Programming in Oberon Tutorial

Topics related to the use of Oberon language features
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Updated Programming in Oberon Tutorial

Post by cfbsoftware » Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:46 am

The Programming in Oberon Tutorial by Niklaus Wirth has been replaced by a later revision which is more compatible with the latest version of Oberon which is used in Astrobe. We have now added a bookmarked table of contents and uploaded it to the Oberon page on the Astrobe website.

The following is a list of known outstanding differences:
  • Data type LONGINT is eliminated.
  • COPY is no longer needed:

    Code: Select all

    COPY(S.s, a);

    Code: Select all

    a := S.s;
  • Only global objects and strictly local objects may be accessed in a nested procedure. Objects declared in its outer level procedure(s) are not visible in a nested procedure.

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